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Experience the unique benefits of Boise Peak Chiropractic and improve your overall health.


Specialized Upper Cervical Chiropractic in Boise by Drs. Finney

Experience the benefits of Upper Cervical Chiropractic with Drs. Jonathan and Kyara Finney. Their specialized training and expertise in this technique can help alleviate various conditions and improve overall health.

Expert Care

Trust in the hands of highly skilled chiropractors for personalized and effective treatment.

Advanced Technology

Benefit from state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and techniques for accurate evaluation and treatment.


Discover the Benefits of Upper Cervical Chiropractic

Boise Peak Chiropractic offers a range of benefits to patients seeking relief from chronic conditions and improved overall health. Our specialized Upper Cervical Chiropractic technique focuses on the precise alignment of the upper cervical spine, providing non-invasive treatment methods that can significantly impact the nervous system and overall well-being. With advanced diagnostic tools and personalized care, we aim to provide effective treatment options for conditions such as migraines, vertigo, fibromyalgia, and post-concussion syndrome. Experience the difference of our gentle and effective approach to chiropractic care.

Relief Solution

Our Upper Cervical Chiropractic technique offers a non-invasive and gentle solution for chronic conditions. By precisely aligning the upper cervical spine, we can alleviate pain and discomfort, improving your quality of life.

Improved Health

Through our specialized chiropractic care, we can help improve your overall health and well-being. By addressing misalignments in the upper cervical spine, we can optimize your nervous system function and promote optimal health.

Personalized Care

At Boise Peak Chiropractic, we provide personalized care tailored to your specific needs. Our team of chiropractors will work closely with you to develop a customized treatment plan that addresses your unique condition and goals.

Experienced Professionals

With years of experience in Upper Cervical Chiropractic, our team of professionals is dedicated to providing the highest quality care. Trust our expertise to help you achieve optimal health and wellness.

What Makes Us Different

In our office we utilize a CBCT machine which is the latest technology in the chiropractic world and is actually 3D imaging. We find this to be more precise than traditional 2D X-rays solely because it takes out any variable of having a patient in a position that is not optimal or where the image could end up distorted in any way.

The techniques and analysis that we use in our office consist of Toggle Recoil, Blair, and Knee Chest Upper Cervical. These techniques are a specific niche in chiropractic that are in a group called Upper Cervical Chiropractic and ONLY 1-3% of chiropractors actually practice upper cervical techniques.

Dr. Kyara is also certified in the Webster Technique which is a technique used for prenatal adjusting. Getting adjusted while pregnant has many benefits such as better mornings possibly with less nausea/morning sickness, decreased birth/delivery times, better posture, optimal pelvic positioning, increased comfort/decreased discomfort, better sleep, and more.

Our goal is for you to hold your adjustment as long as possible, meaning we want to adjust you as little as possible so that your body can heal and do good on its own. To get your body into a state of relaxation to begin the healing process, we have you rest in our resting room every time you get adjusted to allow your sympathetic (aka your fight or flight) nervous system shut off, allowing your parasympathetic (aka rest and digest) nervous system to turn on. Many individuals are stuck in the sympathetic state and also have large amounts of tension in their muscles that restrict the body from reaching an optimal state both physically and mentally. So in our office, this step is very important in optimizing your care AND your results.

We also use Functional Nervous System Testing EVERY TIME you come into our office to monitor how your nervous system is adapting and if it is in an optimal state.

Customer testimonials

Read what our patients have to say about us!

"I have been suffering from chronic migraines for years, and after just a few sessions with Dr. Finney, my symptoms have significantly improved. I am grateful for the personalized care and attention I received at Boise Peak Chiropractic."

John Doe

Marketing Manager, ABC Company

"As an athlete, I often experience neck and back pain. Dr. Finney's Upper Cervical Chiropractic technique has been a game-changer for me. I highly recommend their services."

Jane Smith

CEO, XYZ Corporation

"After a car accident, I was dealing with severe vertigo. Thanks to Dr. Finney's expertise, I am now able to live my life without constant dizziness. I can't thank them enough."

Michael Johnson

Operations Manager, LMN Company

"Boise Peak Chiropractic has been a lifesaver for me. Their approach to chiropractic care is gentle yet effective. I am finally finding relief from my chronic pain."

Emily Davis

HR Manager, PQR Inc

Discover the Difference at Boise Peak Chiropractic

Experience personalized care and effective treatment for chronic conditions at Boise Peak Chiropractic.